BW-Fixators®, the original since 1955

Since more than 60 years quality “Made in Germany”

Fixatorenbau is an traditional company, which is familiy-owend ever since. At our company site in Leverkusen we produce our BW-Fixators® and ship them to our worlwide customers. By many customers we are known under the name BWF. This short term has historical roots and is a composition of different names and the word Fixator. This short terms embellishes our copany logo until today.

Because of our local production we can offer our customers highest quality and are able to react fast and flexible to their actual needs.

Our BW-Fixators®

Fixator®, what’s that?

Leveling element, Leveling Jack, Wedge mount,… Our products are known by different names. But only we produce the original BW-Fixator®. The name is legally protected. BW-Fixators® provide a re-adjustable machine alignment and are used for the alignment and anchoring of machines for a variety of applications.

Our customers include well-known manufacturers of:
– Tooling machines
– Printing machines
– Electric engines
– Turbines and Generators
– Textile machines
– Compressors
– Cooling aggregates
– Woodworking machines

Due to the variety of applications, a lot of different BW-Fixator® – Series were developed so that nowadays there is a solution for nearly ervery type of machine. We put great value in an intensive application consulting advice. If there is no product fitting your needs, our engineers will develope an individual solution with you.

Our Installation service

Exact measurement with laser-technology

For many years we provide our installation service to our customers, where we set our BW-Fixators® in the machine foundation before the machine is built up.

In the past the measurement has been done classical by wire and theodolites. In the last 10 years we established the measurement based on laser technology. Because of this we were able to expand and optimize our services. Today we can offer you a cost-effective solution, which can include different combinations from the plain measurment to an “all-round carefree package” containing the marking and drilling of all anchor holes to the final measuring and grouting.

You can immediatley seal and coat the foundation, set up the machine and start commissioning.

Trough the use of our laser-trackers we can provide a lot more measuring services and of course all other works associated with the machine installation.

Be colourful!

Our BW-Fixators® are also availabe in every RAL colour.

New look for our service cars

Our service cars have a new look. Now you know from afar, that you are in good hands.

Lasts a lifetime

These BW-Fixators® of series K should have been moved together with the machine after 30 years. Same as the machine the BW-Fixators® were still fully functional, the customer just needed new anchor bolts. Unfortunately series K is not produced anymore so that the customer switched to series RK. Now the machine is standing in it’s new place, with new shoes.